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The benefits of service scheduling software can increase a field service company’s productivity and assist in preserving hard-earned revenue. Going digital with field service software gives your business a competitive edge, allowing technicians to access schedules and customer data in the field. Service scheduling software speeds up the communication process by opening a direct line between field workers and administrative staff. This, in turn, cuts down on the time wasted entering data multiple times, eliminating the margin of error that ultimately costs money.
Know Where Your Field Techs Are With Field Service Software
Intuitive field service scheduling software makes for an optimal resource for many reasons. Most scheduling software packages have a GPS feature included within the software. When technicians work out in the field, they often have to make multiple stops throughout the day, occasionally making trips to gather supplies or refuel. Each task can burden already-stretched schedules. Digital scheduling software can help the administrative staff track the locations of all service techs. This invaluable resource allows customers to plan for an approximate arrival time while also making it easier for staff to plan routes. All travel should make sense, and there should be no overlap in directions. Planning jobs by location makes it possible to fit more tasks into a technician's schedule, which allows the billing of more invoices and the collection of more revenue.
The Quality Assurance Shortcut
Quality assurance represents the key to avoiding miscalculations within a company. Showing up to the wrong address or at the wrong time... these honest mistakes can arise from minor clerical errors or misread handwriting. Keeping task notes and customer information accessible helps circumvent these mistakes. Software helps technicians prepare with the necessary tools and materials they need to complete the job. Scheduling software creates an open network for other staff members to review and validate data. When dealing with any business, the 1-10-100 rule should take precedence. It states that you can spend one dollar verifying the data initially, ten dollars later on correcting the mistake, or one hundred dollars if the issue remains unaddressed. Scheduling software represents the first dollar spent on prevention. Avoid mistakes snowballing into costly blunders. What starts as an incorrect entry could very likely cost a company a great deal of money in the end. Customers also view mistakes as a reflection of the employee or the business as a whole. Often, they'll express dissatisfaction and look to cancel future services. Proper record keeping can increase overall customer satisfaction, and smart scheduling software keeps your records accurate.
Preparation is Principal
In addition to quality control, field service scheduling software can serve as a lookout on the road for technicians. Detours and construction sites can stall drivers and add precious minutes onto an already lengthy commute. Use GPS to plot step-by-step directions for job destinations and eliminate guesswork. A GPS system will get drivers back on the road should they get turned around or become lost. Not only does a service software keep customer information and directions handy, it helps create routes that are convenient for workers. Cutting down on drive time will save the company money and make technicians' jobs much more feasible. As always in the field service industry, well-equipped employees do profitable work. This means satisfied customers and more revenue for your organization.